These articles are reprinted from the Camden Companion, a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ and authored by Evangelist, Wayde E. Miller.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Use Your Bible

I Know Whom I Have Believed

II Timothy 1:12

1. Knowing Jesus

A. He is our Friend (Matthew 11:19; John 15:13)
B. He is our Saviour (Luke 19:10)
C. He looks for doing good (John 9:1)
D. He will be our judge (John 12:48)
E. He is the Lord of our life:

1. Head of church (Ephesians 1:22)
2. King of the kingdom (I Timothy 1:17)
3. Our Shepherd (John 10:1-10)

F. We must learn to have personal knowledge of Jesus (Philippians 3:8)

2. Jesus is Able to:

A. Save believers (Hebrews 7:25)
B. Nourish us (Hebrews 4:15-16)
C. Get us access to the Father (John 14:6)
D. Raise us from the dead (Revelations 1:18)

3. To Keep What We Commit to Him

A. The most precious thing we have-our soul (Matthew 16:26)
B. Why do we commit our soul to Him? Because we know Him.

Imagine taking something we value most of all and letting a total stranger take care of it. Would we let a stranger, someone we don't know, babysit one of our children? Hopefully we would not. This is the essence of what Paul means in this verse. He knew His Lord so well that he felt very comfortable that Jesus could take care of his soul until the reward be given. How willing are we to commit our soul to Jesus?

Many are willing to commit their soul to someone other than Jesus. There are many man made creeds out there declaring things that Jesus did not say. Everyone is going to leave this life and go to eternity and we can't trust our soul to just anyone. Everyone should make absolutely sure that what they are doing in the name of Christ has scriptural authority to back it up. Jesus has the words of eternal life (John 6:68) and no religion has the right to change those words. Giving our soul to Jesus means putting our complete trust in Him and no one else. Have you committed your soul to Jesus yet?

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