These articles are reprinted from the Camden Companion, a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ and authored by Evangelist, Wayde E. Miller.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Lessons from Iraq

One Sunday night, Tom Roach visited Camden Avenue to talk about his just completed military tour in Iraq and some lessons he learned while over there. He spoke to us about his excitement over finding other Christians to work and worship with. He also reminded us of the role Iraq has played in Bible history. His lesson was inspiring and encouraging. Among the lessons he shared with us:

  1. Church responsibilities don't change based on geography. Those items of worship described in the New Testament (singing-Ephesians 5:19; praying -Acts 2:42; teaching-Ephesians 4:12; giving-I Corinthians 16:1-2; The Lord's Supper-I Corinthians 11:23-26) are the same for Christians here or in Iraq.
  2. Few leaders are born-most are made. The army makes leaders but the church needs to do the same. Good men need to step up.
  3. Opportunities are everywhere (Matthew 7:12.) We are surrounded by opportunities to talk about the Lord. There are so many we come in contact with on a daily basis-coworkers, neighbors, etc. that we just need to be always talking about spiritual things. Talking about what we know can turn into a teaching opportunity.
  4. There are also challenges to be faced. In Iraq, worship services could be interrupted at any time by mortar and rocket fire. Sometimes you just duck and keep on going. In our world, we have to overcome challenges faced by the church.
  5. You are responsible for your own salvation (Philippians 2:12.) In Iraq, Tom pointed out that he had no one to make sure he got to church, did his Bible lesson, or prayed as he should. He had to have the faith to continue to be all he could be for the Lord. That's a great point for over here many Christians have to have a baby-sitter just to get them up on Sunday morning to come to church and many don't make it. Paul still says, "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."
  6. You can be happy or miserable in any circumstance. It is our choice. That is the same lesson Paul learned in Philippians 4:8-13.
  7. God provides for us. We need to believe it and trust in Him. We can only imagine being uprooted from all we know to travel half-way across the world to be in a war zone. With danger and fear on every hand one learns fast to depend on God. See what Jesus said in Matthew 7:7-11.
  8. Family matters! The closest relations and our biggest support in this life comes from those we love most. Being apart from family for fifteen months makes the bond that much stronger. As Tom put it, "Family matters just does!"

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