These articles are reprinted from the Camden Companion, a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ and authored by Evangelist, Wayde E. Miller.

Friday, January 18, 2008

God's Power

Mankind has developed powerful and terrible weapons of destruction over the years and more are probably being developed as we speak. The atom and hydrogen bombs already exist and we know their destructive power. Whole cities, even countries, can be destroyed by just one of these bombs and we know that our country has many hundreds of these pointed right at us. We have returned the favor and pointed some right back.

Pakistan is a country with nuclear weapons and there has been much fear around the world as to what is going to happen to them. With the recent assassination of the former Prime Minister, there has been much turmoil in that country and much concern that the nuclear arsenal may fall into the hands of terrorists who have no resignation about using them.

There is no stretch of the imagination to see somewhere down the road, that one man, or group of people, with vengeance, extremism, and hatred in their hearts may someday control such inconceivable force. It may be in Pakistan or some other country, but there will surely be someone willing to set off such bombs.

The gospel of Jesus Christ has the power to stop such people for it is "the power of God unto salvation" (Romans 1:16.) The gospel teaches that real power lies with God and that people filled with hate can learn to live in love and peace with all mankind. The power does not lie in us (II Corinthians 4:7) but in God. The gospel has the power to cast down the strongholds of the mind, human reasoning, and to capture hearts for Christ (II Corinthians 10:3-5.) We must learn to keep our focus on God and keep preaching His word for therein lies the power to have real "peace on earth toward those of goodwill" (Luke 2:15.) Yes, we need to stand against error but should do so with the gospel realizing that God Himself will one day destroy this world (II Peter 3:10.) Now that is real power and everyone needs to be ready.

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