These articles are reprinted from the Camden Companion, a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ and authored by Evangelist, Wayde E. Miller.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Dying Request

The night before Jesus died on the cross, he had a great many things on His mind and he prayed to God. John records his wish that His disciples “would all be one, just as you Father are in me, and I in you, that they may be one in us…” (John 17:20-21.) That is a dying wish of the Lord, but do people today recognize the sacredness of His request? This was our Savior’s dying request.

Jesus wanted his followers to be united, not divided. We all have to agree that God and Jesus speak the same thing and so should their followers. All saints of God must follow the example of Jesus and seek to do His Father’s will. Jesus wanted His followers to be “one.” He prayed for it, and he died for a unified church (Acts 20:28.)

Today’s Condition

Today, anyone with an honest heart must admit that Christianity is nothing like Jesus wanted when he prayed. Just drive down the Main Street of any town and notice the many different religious groups. The simple fact is that the religious world is in a state of confusion and division. Every group has its own “brand” of salvation, worship plan, and organizational chart. In “Christianity” today there are those that stress faith, others stress works, some works because of faith, and unfortunately some do not stress anything at all.

One Body

Read Ephesians 4:4-6 very carefully. Notice there is “one God” and “one Lord. Remember the Lord’s prayer in John 17? God was in Christ and Christ was in God. They were in complete unity. This fact has not changed over the centuries. But, Paul also said there was “one faith” and “one body” (the church—Ephesians 1:22-23.) If God and Christ are in complete unity today, why are we not followers of the Lord? Why are there so many different belief systems? Why so many different church names? Doesn’t it make sense to recognize that something has gone wrong with religion today? It is not God’s fault. He gave us His Word so we may have the “one faith.” Man is the one who has made the religious world a confusing place.

Follow the Leader

Read the text of I Corinthians 1:10-12. Notice that the Corinthian church was breaking off into different groups. They were following the leader instead of Jesus. Paul tells them to “speak the same thing—let there be no divisions among you.” Can it be said today that there are no divisions among God’s people? Our problem is that we want to be loyal to our “brand” of Christianity rather than being loyal to Jesus Christ and His Word. God hates division!

A Biblical Example

God’s word is the answer to today’s religious confusion. If you are asking, “what must I do to be saved?” The answer can be found in God’s Word — the Bible.

John 3:16—God’s love provided a sacrifice
Ephesians 2:5—salvation is God’s gift
James 1:21-22—Do what the Word says
Matthew 17:5—God said “Hear Jesus”
Romans 10:9—Believe in Jesus
Luke 24:46-47—Repentance is required
Romans 10:10—Confession of our faith
Mark 16:16—Jesus said baptism is required

If a verse mentions salvation, doesn’t it make sense to follow God’s directions? It is no more difficult than that. As you read these scriptures you will also see that there is a difference between working apart from God and doing God’s work. We strive to do God’s work. Do you now see the simplicity of God’s Word?


The Bible is the Word of God and is the answer to religious division. It says what it says and settles every religious question. Man should not add his own “brand” of salvation, worship plan, or organizational chart to God’s Plan. Don’t you agree?

It takes courage to step away from creeds and organizations, but there must be a standard to follow in religion if we are to fulfill the Savior’s dying wish “to be one.John 17:17

Reprinted from brochure written by :
Wayde Miller, Evangelist

Edited by:
a member of the congregation

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Our Story

(Isaiah 59:1-2; Ephesians 2:1-3)

Without Christ we were dead in sin. Sin is a terrible thing as it separates us from the God who loves us. Ultimately it brings eternal separation from God.

The devil convinced us that the pursuit of our own desires would bring fulfillment and happiness. We then became consumed by a multitude of sins. Some were full of envy, hatred, and jealousy. Others may have lied and cheated somehow. Whatever the sin, the result was the same. We were lost and dead in sin. Our lives were empty for we had bought into the devil's deception.

But God still loved us. God sent His son to offer His own perfect, sinless life as a sacrifice for us. What love!

(Isaiah 53; John 3:16; Hebrews 2:14-17)

We read verses like "he was led as a lamb to the slaughter" and "by His stripes we are healed" and we see that great love he has for us. What horrible suffering he endured for the sins of the world as He died alone on the old rugged cross.

But Jesus also raised from the dead and demonstrated His power over death to take the power of the devil away.

We believe that Jesus is alive for evermore. The story of the Lord's death, burial , and resurrection is the gospel of Christ - the good news of salvation and hope of eternal life. It is there for anyone who will come to Jesus
( Heb. 5:8-9).

(Romans 6:3-6; Ephesians 2:4-10)

It's not about us any more.

Through God's love and mercy we have been made alive in Christ. We have become disciples of Jesus Christ now desiring only to follow and serve Him. We have had our sins removed by being baptized into Jesus' death and now we have been raised from baptism to a new life.

We are God's chosen people, a holy nation, and His own children. We have been created in Christ for good works and to give God glory, praise, and honor.

We are far from perfect as we still war against sin. But, we do our best, realizing that God does not allow us to be tempted above what we can bear.

We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and it is the sole basis for our beliefs. It lights the pathway before us and we delight in its meditations always.

We know you will be blessed in so doing.

Reprinted from brochure written by :
Wayde Miller, Evangelist

Edited by:
a member of the congregation

Monday, October 29, 2007

Never Give Up

From the Camden Companion -- a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ.

The story is told about a judge known for handing out tough sentences on those convicted. On one occasion, he gave an old man 20 years in prison. The convicted old man said, "Your honor, I am 90 years old and won't live another 20 years." The judge replied, "Well, just get in there and do the best you can." That's the spirit!

A preacher friend of mine, long since passed away, was fond of saying, "Keep on keeping on." That is the idea the judge was conveying. People need to have an attitude of try, try again. Those who succeed in life are generally those who keep on keeping on even after obstacles make the task seem impossible.

Sometimes we portray "bull-headedness" as a bad thing and it can be if we are talking about a closed mind that refuses to consider all possibilities. However, there is something to be said for taking life's troubles and failures and using them as a stepping stone to growth. We need more people who will take the attitude of facing an obstacle and never give up.

Back in the winter of 1993, Scott County received 25" of snow one day (the famous dusting prediction) and surrounding areas received only slightly less than that. The next day I drove to work on half-plowed roads in a Camaro. Only one other person dared to come to work that day and we both commented on how many four-wheel drive vehicles we passed still in people's driveways. I didn't want to burn a vacation day over some snow.

Christians need a keep on keeping on, overcoming obstacles, attitude when it comes to the cause of Christ. Let us not take nor give any quarter to the world or man-made religion. Let us do what is right always and not what is always easy. When we fail, get up and try again.

Author: Wayde Miller, Evangelist

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Church of Christ

From the Camden Companion -- a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ.

"The churches of Christ greet you" (Romans 16:16.) Many use this verse as justification for the use of the name "church of Christ" as an official designation for a group of saints. Is Paul saying that several, independent congregations send greetings OR a denomination called the CHURCHES OF CHRIST worldwide send greetings.

The context of Romans 16 shows a number of greetings being offered. Verse 5 says, "greet the church that is their house" (Aquilla and Priscilla.) Again in verse 10 we read, "Greet those that are of Aristobulus' household." Verse 11, "Greet those of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord." Verse 14, "Greet Asyncritus...and the brethren who are with them." Verse 15, "Greet Philologus...and all the saints who are with them." And in verse 23, "Gaius, my host, and the whole church greet you." From the context it is clear that Paul means several different congregations sent their greetings to the church at Rome. Each church, in its own way, said "hello."

Many view the church of Christ in a denominational sense as a corporate entity but the Bible does not teach this. The object of our existence is not to add to the many other denominations already out there. Two elements are needed for a church to exist-Truth and People. The truth of God is always there but in the absence of people the church can only have a potential existence. God's plan of salvation, how saints live, work, and worship are all found in the word of God but that word awaits application in the lives of people. God's word is given to people who are of a submissive and obedient mind (Heb. 5:8-9.)

The prayer of Jesus (John 17:20-21), the teaching of the inspired Apostles, and the instructions found in the New Testament all demand a laying aside of man-made doctrines and a return to the church as it existed in the first century. Congregations should plead for a return to primitive Christianity and a oneness of all followers of God into one body.

Jesus Christ should be exalted above all party or denominational loyalties and where truth exists and is cherished, brethren will be found. The church is not found in the name above the door but where people follow the clear mandates of scripture, a church will be there. Romans 16:16 does not give an official designation for the church for it is called by many other names in the New Testament all of which show some relation or character of the church. But where truth and people are married up there will be a unity of singleness of mind and purpose. Servants of God will be found there.
Author: Wayde Miller, Evangelist