"The churches of Christ greet you" (Romans 16:16.) Many use this verse as justification for the use of the name "church of Christ" as an official designation for a group of saints. Is Paul saying that several, independent congregations send greetings OR a denomination called the CHURCHES OF CHRIST worldwide send greetings.
The context of Romans 16 shows a number of greetings being offered. Verse 5 says, "greet the church that is their house" (Aquilla and Priscilla.) Again in verse 10 we read, "Greet those that are of Aristobulus' household." Verse 11, "Greet those of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord." Verse 14, "Greet Asyncritus...and the brethren who are with them." Verse 15, "Greet Philologus...and all the saints who are with them." And in verse 23, "Gaius, my host, and the whole church greet you." From the context it is clear that Paul means several different congregations sent their greetings to the church at Rome. Each church, in its own way, said "hello."
Many view the church of Christ in a denominational sense as a corporate entity but the Bible does not teach this. The object of our existence is not to add to the many other denominations already out there. Two elements are needed for a church to exist-Truth and People. The truth of God is always there but in the absence of people the church can only have a potential existence. God's plan of salvation, how saints live, work, and worship are all found in the word of God but that word awaits application in the lives of people. God's word is given to people who are of a submissive and obedient mind (Heb. 5:8-9.)
The prayer of Jesus (John 17:20-21), the teaching of the inspired Apostles, and the instructions found in the New Testament all demand a laying aside of man-made doctrines and a return to the church as it existed in the first century. Congregations should plead for a return to primitive Christianity and a oneness of all followers of God into one body.
Jesus Christ should be exalted above all party or denominational loyalties and where truth exists and is cherished, brethren will be found. The church is not found in the name above the door but where people follow the clear mandates of scripture, a church will be there. Romans 16:16 does not give an official designation for the church for it is called by many other names in the New Testament all of which show some relation or character of the church. But where truth and people are married up there will be a unity of singleness of mind and purpose. Servants of God will be found there.
Author: Wayde Miller, Evangelist
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