These articles are reprinted from the Camden Companion, a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ and authored by Evangelist, Wayde E. Miller.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Never Give Up

From the Camden Companion -- a weekly bulletin of the Camden Avenue Church of Christ.

The story is told about a judge known for handing out tough sentences on those convicted. On one occasion, he gave an old man 20 years in prison. The convicted old man said, "Your honor, I am 90 years old and won't live another 20 years." The judge replied, "Well, just get in there and do the best you can." That's the spirit!

A preacher friend of mine, long since passed away, was fond of saying, "Keep on keeping on." That is the idea the judge was conveying. People need to have an attitude of try, try again. Those who succeed in life are generally those who keep on keeping on even after obstacles make the task seem impossible.

Sometimes we portray "bull-headedness" as a bad thing and it can be if we are talking about a closed mind that refuses to consider all possibilities. However, there is something to be said for taking life's troubles and failures and using them as a stepping stone to growth. We need more people who will take the attitude of facing an obstacle and never give up.

Back in the winter of 1993, Scott County received 25" of snow one day (the famous dusting prediction) and surrounding areas received only slightly less than that. The next day I drove to work on half-plowed roads in a Camaro. Only one other person dared to come to work that day and we both commented on how many four-wheel drive vehicles we passed still in people's driveways. I didn't want to burn a vacation day over some snow.

Christians need a keep on keeping on, overcoming obstacles, attitude when it comes to the cause of Christ. Let us not take nor give any quarter to the world or man-made religion. Let us do what is right always and not what is always easy. When we fail, get up and try again.

Author: Wayde Miller, Evangelist

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